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Godin on Tribes - a PowerPoint documentary

Seth Godin will be presenting about his latest book Tribes this morning in New York. The slides of the presentation are available on slideshare:
Seth Godin on Tribes
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: book tribes)
Why a PowerPoint documentary? This presentation uses a huge amount of slides (more than 200), mostly full-page images that are clicked through at a very high speed: the presenter only speaks a few sentences to each of them. The effect you get is similar to documentaries on for example the History Channel: the camera zooming slowly over still images with a voice over in the background. (Ken Burns is the master of the slow zoom, see a post on Presentation Zen) Not suited for slideshare. The notes are an integral part of this presentation. Because they are not very visible, this presentation is actually not that suited for publication on the Internet. The images are nice, but you do not get the message by clicking rapidly to the slideshare document. I would have included a black "subtitle" bar to provide background to the documentary. About Tribes. Seth is making the case that marketing is all about enabling a group of followers to interact with each other. More here.
UPDATE: a video of Seth's presentation can be watched on