Chart concept - using cinematic effects to provoke real audience emotions using PowerPoint
A combination of big (sometimes huge) projector screens and high-quality images creates an opportunity for (PowerPoint) presenters to enter the arena of the movie director to provoke real emotions in the audience.
- A bright light or a beaming sun beaming right at us, although there is no risk of dammage to our eyes we intuitively squint
- A sudden pop up and disapearing of a big spider ("booh", never used this one though)
- A gun pointing at the audience (or less dramatic: a remote control zapping you away)
- Large close-up of eyes (beautiful, innocent, scary)
- Nails and a blackboard (makes you feel the chart)
- Looking down a roller coaster track, training coming at you, base baller about to hit a ball
- The list can go on
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