"You don't look like a fashion company"
Related to last week's post about looking like the company you want to look like. A client in the fashion/apparel business recently got feedback on their pitch deck: "it does not look like the pitch deck of a fashion business."
Fair point. Especially if you are in the business of fashion, jewellery, sport cars, wine, etc. businesses for which consumer branding is important, you might want to spice up your presentation a bit.
Where do you find the slide real estate to do it? You cannot put a big image of that 1961 bottle on every slide. I try to use separator pages for that. Break your presentation in sections (problem, solution, about, financials) and use the page that announces a new section as the scaffolding for a page-filling image that reflects what your company does. Make sure the images throughout the presentation are similar in style.
Here is a separator slide that I could have used in my own SlideMagic pitch deck (it was of course created with SlideMagic...)
Art: portrait by Giovanni Boldini (1845–1931) showing Elizabeth Wharton Drexel in 1905.