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Thoughts on the iPad pro and presentation design

The inevitable is happening: tablets get more powerful, screens get bigger, and we are getting pressure sensitive screens and a stylus. What are the implications for office applications and presentation design?

I think the big screen is the most important factor here, not a stylus. Until now, tablets screens were too cramped for design work. More breathing space makes for a more manageable user interface. I think only a very small subset of users will use the styles for making sophisticated sketches.

A highly precise input device (the stylus, the mouse) is actually bad for the layman designer. There are just too many degrees of freedom to move, drop, stretch objects. That was the thought behind the design of the SlideMagic user interface (try it out here).

I did not design SlideMagic for use on smaller tablets and phones, but on a 2732 x 2048 screen, it might just be the perfect fit, a lucky coincidence.