The point is that there are many points
Everyone knows (from experience) that bullet point charts full of text don't work. Still, now and then, I need to make a chart that is full of points, literally.
To make the point that there are tons and tons and tons of arguments in favour of something. The business, the abundance of points, IS the message of the chart.
How do I keep it readable?
Separate the chart that makes the point that there are lots of points from the slides that actually explain the points:
- Show the overview chart that lists all the points, but not as written out sentences. For example, you can use circles with short descriptors in them: "low cost", "quick", "beautiful". Resist the temptation to go into detail about each of the circles,
- Bring all (or a subset) of the arguments to the forefront with individual slides, here you can show your cost comparisons, speed comparisons, etc.
- After the supporting slides, bring back your original chart with a slightly different headline
Note that this is an exception. Most arguments can be nailed with 3-5 decisive points. Rarely, I encounter the logic that "Each of these points are 'mah', but if you add them all up, a compelling case arises". In that case, use the above approach.
Cover image by averie woodard on Unsplash