How people really use the iPhone - case example of presenting consumer research in PowerPoint
An interesting presentation on SlideShare, a consumer researh firm
createwithcontext presents the research results about how people do use the Apple iPhone and its user interface:
Interesting on multiple levels:
- The content itself, how people use/get used to a new user interface (beyond the scope of this blog)
- The presentation of the results of the research: a series of screen shots with big arrows highlighting key messages. A format I often use to present screen shots of applications in PowerPoint.
This confirms how I think consumer research results in general should be presented:
real images of products, of store interiors, preferrably with
direct quotes from the research. "There is a book here, does that mean you can read?", rather than "Focus group members did not understand the meaning of this book icon".
Conclusions do not have to be spoon fed, but rather readers benefit from digesting the raw results as if they were sitting behind the mirror of the focus group themselves.