Images from Chernobyl
The current crisis at Japan's nuclear plants triggered
this morning's NYT article about Chernobyl, which will need to wait for another 300 years before it can be inhabited by humans again.
The confusion and uncertainty experienced by the people in Japan must be similar to the surreal experience I went through here in Israel while unpacking government-issued gas masks and constructing a biological/chemical shelter in one of our bed rooms just before the 2nd Iraq war in 2003. I remember taping the windows during live TV coverage of Tony Blair's speech in the House of Commons advocating military action.
This photo set on Flickr by Tim Suess is both scary and beautiful at the same time.
The confusion and uncertainty experienced by the people in Japan must be similar to the surreal experience I went through here in Israel while unpacking government-issued gas masks and constructing a biological/chemical shelter in one of our bed rooms just before the 2nd Iraq war in 2003. I remember taping the windows during live TV coverage of Tony Blair's speech in the House of Commons advocating military action.
This photo set on Flickr by Tim Suess is both scary and beautiful at the same time.