The idea of visual presentations is spreading and I see more and more decks that I would call "80% there": very limited use of bullets points, big images, one message per slide. For those experienced amateurs among you, here is how to get it to 100%:
- Use only high res images, instead of low res ones borrowed from Google Image search
- Scale up your images either to full page size, or stick to the same white frame on each page.
- Think of image aesthetics: people in toilets, eating gross food, a close up of an ugly animal might be funny, but they are in a college humor kind of way. Deep down, humans do not like to look at things that are not pretty. Not every image has to be funny. Funny images can also be beautiful.
- Resist the temptation of the image barrage. An onscreen presentation is not a SlideShare presentation that requires a click to go to the next word in a sentence. Not all points need to be supported by an image. It is scary, scary face image. We are confused - confused face image. It is difficult - child doing math image. Use images or graphs to show why you are scared, what is confusing you, and how come it is so hard to solve. Much better than pictures of scared and confused people.
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