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Investor pitch in virtual reality (Pixvana)

It was bound to happen soon, a startup active in the field of virtual reality made an investor in pitch in well, virtual reality. (The background of Pixvana's pitch)

For the company, it was definitely the right thing to do. The introduction of the team in a 360 setting is nice touch, and makes you feel right inside the company. The graphics show of the platform's capability, which is probably the most important objective of the presentation.

Still, when it comes to transferring specific concepts, VR suffers from a similar problem that we already saw with the spectacular animations in Prezi. Sophisticated visual effects are not always helpful to communicate complex issues. I watched the 2D, non-confidential video, in a casual way, similar as an investor would do a first time around. In the video, the company shows why current video production tools fall short, I understand things more or less ("more data is required"), but somehow I feel that it could have been communicated more clearly.

As I discussed earlier re. Prezi, there are specific situations where animations could be really useful in an investor presentation (beyond spectacular page switches): zooming in and out of complex technical diagrams, showing transformations. The same is true for VR: guided tours of facilities, demos of buildings, etc. etc.

Exciting times for visual communication! If you are in the business of video production, the Pixvana SPIN Studio solution might be worth checking out.