The photo shoot from a few weeks ago delivered almost 900 images. We are still selecting the ones to use. Here is the approach I take to go from 900 to 10…
I uploaded all images in a good photo organizing app (I use Google Photos). This enables me to scroll really fast through lots of images. (Desktops are slow to generate thumbnails). Also, it easy to mark images and share those. Trying to copy file names is a pain. Finally, I uploaded all images in full size, so that the photographer can download them in case touch ups are needed.
The I take different zoom levels: zoomed out, which ones have a great composition that pops out as a small picture, without seeing the fine details. Which images have lots of white space that I could use to overlay text. Zoomed in, which images instantly “speak to me”, where is the camera gaze just right, without paying too much attention to details. In a short period of time, I mark a lot, a lot of images.
Then the selection process switches to the “favorites folder” and it becomes a matter of “deselecting”. Take out the obvious mistakes (closed eyes, etc.). When images are similar, force yourself to pick one. If you really like an image, go back into the big pile to get all the images that were made around that time to get the best one. Step by step, you get closer to your 10 final images…
If possible do all of this on a desktop machine with a very large monitor and mouse with fast scroll wheel.