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PPT templates: adding 1 more person to "The Night Watch"

Prefab PowerPoint templates can look incredibly pretty. The problem is editing and customizing them. It is easy to change text, but if your message requires 5 instead of 4 bubbles, you need to make drastic changes to the layout of a slide.

  • There are the technical skills of duplicating and placing that shape.

  • There are design skills, “somehow the proportions of the slide don’t look right anymore and I can not pinpoint what causes it”.

  • There could be a more fundamental problem, maybe a 5 bubble chart requires an entirely different slide than a 4 bubble one

  • There is the problem of fitting things in with the right fonts and colors that fit your corporate identity (corporates usually do not use the cute fonts found in powerpoint templates).

Changing a PowerPoint template is a bit like handing a paint brush to a random person with the request to add one more person to The Night Watch on the canvas, and change the coloring from dark to light (the scene is set in the middle of the day, but got darker over the years).

What I am trying to achieve with SlideMagic:

  • Lower the ambition on the complexity of slide designs, and make sure that the designs that do make the cut look pretty good

  • Offer an editor that makes it easy to change layouts without leaving any traces