This is an interesting video in which a bass player (Cici) explains how she copes with memorizing dozens of (cover) songs that she has not heard before in a short period of time. The lessons here can be applied to any performance, including a presentation.

The key is the memory shortcut: compressing lots of information into something short and “catchy” that is much more easy to remember than the individual bits and pieces. Examples:

  • Grouping individual notes into shapes on the fretboard of a bass guitar

  • Inventing an unusual description for the sound of a song (‘the carnival song’)

  • Quick reminders of where songs are unusual, i.e., a break in a completely different musical style

  • Reminders that are critical for the performance and hard to cover up: i.e., the whole bands needs to stop exactly at the same time on bar 64, or your instrument is actually starting the song solo, without the musical reference of the band to help you along.

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