Consistency between slides is important in your presentation. There are the obvious elements that need to be consistent: fonts, layout, colours, etc. But also pay attention to more subtle ones in images. Color vs B&W, and the style of images. Peaceful landscapes, busy ‘real’ images, threatening thunder clouds, stylised super stock photo model images, “funny” face expressions, etc. etc.

Modern movies are a good analogy. In the good old days, movies would be filmed on an actual location. The story is set in a city, village, a house, a place where characters roam around and visit places from multiple angles all the time. Bit by bit, you start to understand the space in which the story is et.

New technology allows you to create pretty much any movie background you want, projected behind actors saying their lines in front of green screens. The result is that that sense of place is lost. The movie is set against a series of random backgrounds that do not seem connected. High resolution screens emphasize the disconnect between characters in the foreground, and the backgrounds. Something does not seem right…

Interestingly, I do not find this effect with classic cartoons, with totally artificial backgrounds, but the whole story seems cohesive

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