This tweet by a highly competent designer flashed by:
3.5 Days to #DesignInTech Report 2017 -- launching at @SXSW on Saturday.
— John Maeda (@johnmaeda) March 8, 2017
It is work in progress on a presentation. You see what direction he is taking: the big headline on the left, rather than across the slide, and a paragraph of very small text.
I think this might be a format that many presentations will use:
- More and more display devices are now wide screen (which is a great format for movies)
- Headlines that stretch all across very wide screens are unreadable.
- The best visual compositions / layouts are not very wide ones
- Increasingly, we use presentations to send beforehand, without actual presenting/verbal explanation, hence the need for explanatory text
In my presentation app SlideMagic, I stuck to the 4:3 aspect ratio for slides, enabling you to put the headline across the slide, and added an optional slide out panel for plain text that turns the 4:3 composition into a 16:9 one.