McKinsey’s social media activity provides an excellent stream of slides to work on. The one below could have come straight out of SlideMagic.

I created a proper SlideMagic version with a few improvements:

  • Emphasized the “from to” theme of the chart with arrows, and two contrasting colors, and a bigger distance between the two options

  • Lighten the colors a bit, especially the dark top row of the original puts a lot fo weight in the chart

  • Actually reduced the font size a bit to give the text more breathing space in the boxes

  • Re-shuffling the bars to get a more pleasing overall composition

  • I eliminated the left column, the audience can guess the description, to add more balance to the composition and gain some extra space

SlideMagic users can use this chart, simply search for a relevant keyword (operations, consulting), and it will pop up for you to adjust to your own project.

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