It is raining COVID statistics in Israel as we are the first country in the world to deal with a post-vaccination outbreak. Below is one table that was released by the Ministry of Health (I found it here).

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 9.39.31.png

I have translated it in a quick SlideMagic chart (it always puts a big smile on my face to see how quickly this can be done).

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 10.01.34.png

But this data is horrendous to understand. Percent of what? What is 100%? The audience is left to do the math themselves. Compare the categories to the breakdown of the population, look at differences between 3 and 7 days ago, look at the ratio between mild to severe, etc. etc.

Using bars instead of numbers (another smile) makes things a bit clearer.

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 10.05.28.png

But in this case, it would have been clearer to release the data in absolute numbers and let people construct their own charts.

I have added the charts above to the SlideMagic library, search for COVID in the app and the slides will show up (see the search here).

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