TED parody

TED parody

This video of a TED talk parody was uploaded a couple of months ago and I missed somehow. Yes, it is a parody, but in the between the lines (the content is non-existent) it actually shows how body language, pausing and pacing can give you a better stage presence.

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PR people and journalists

PR people and journalists

WebSummit was full of them. Apparently, there are 5 PR people for every journalist on earth. Each journalists in the tech world receives about 200 emails, pitches, stories per day. I listened to a panel with PR people and journalists discussing thing with each other. Here are my impressions partly driven by what they said, partly what I read between the lines.

Your product is actually not that interesting to them. Two hundred products per day, lots of copy cats ("Uber for X"). I actually think journalists don't have time, take the time to understand a technology, and hence don't find it interesting and/or write about it. It takes me a good 45 minutes to understand a company well, a journalist does not have that time, the reader does not have that time, and most journalists don't have an engineering background.

Big milestones are actually not that interesting anymore. Everyone raises $100m at a $1b valuation.

Other aspects of "your story" (becomes a buzzword) are more interesting. Did you come from an unusual background, does your company have some sort of social, environmental purpose (primary, or a side effect).

Do you actually need to be in a major Silicon Valley tech publication? If your target customers are in those circles, then yes. Maybe if you need to those "featured in" logos on your web page to strengthen your pitch to SV investors, yes. But otherwise, maybe spend your time and effort somewhere else.

"Social media" is becoming crowded and busy as well. With so many people creating noise, it actually boils down to a product that people want to use and talk about to their friends. Not so much social media, more building a great product.

So all of this is not to blame on journalists and PR people, it is just very crowded and noisy out there. 

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Stale case examples

Stale case examples

In one of the panels at WebSummit, a participant made a number of mistakes:

  • She mentioned the One Dollar Shave Club video
  • She went on to explain that the One Dollar Shave Club sold their first batch of inventory straight after the video went viral ("can you believe it?")
  • She went on to explain that the  One Dollar Shave Club was acquired for ("how much was it again?") one billion dollar for only hundred million dollar in sales

That was 2 minutes (be brief on panels) of a panel full of tech geeks who know this story (know your audience) with a hard to achieve advice: make your startup story as good as the One Dollar Shave Club video (the video, not the product).

When you start to mention a stale case example, and show that you are going to spend time explaining it, the audience knows what will follow in the next 5 minutes and you lost them. (The as an audience arriving at the bottom of a bullet point chart reading before you even finished reading out bullet point one aloud.

If you were not the first YouTube viewer who noticed the One Dollar Shave Club video an hour before you speak, use a more personal, original, case example. It is a great video though...

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Y Combinator on "good advice"

Y Combinator on "good advice"

I set through a panel with partners from incubator/investor Y Combinator today here at WebSummit in Lisbon. The topic was about which advice is useful, which not, partly in the context of fund raising. Startup CEOs get bombarded with advice, while almost all advice sounds credible, not all the people who are given you advice (prompted, or unprompted) know what they are talking about.

As panels go, there was a lot of "noise" but these guys had a few pretty good points. Advice from these type of people might help you:

  • People that have just done something that you are about to do, try to lift yourself up to the next level. They raised series A, you are getting ready for that round as your Seed funding dries up.
  • People who have done that very recently and have "fresh" knowledge. The shelf life of advice is pretty short: technology moves on, the fund raising market develops, etc. etc.

Keep it in mind when someone critiques or praises your slides.

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"They are just interested in the numbers"

"They are just interested in the numbers"

One client told me the other day that a later-stage investor was interested in investing in his company, and the main interaction was with a relatively junior analyst who kept on asking questions about the numbers in the business plan, rather than probing the quality of the technology.

This can mean 2 things:

  • The best way to present to late-stage investment fund focus most of the time on presenting growth assumptions to the junior analyst
  • The company went more or less through the full due diligence of the company, they (think they) understand the main strengths and weaknesses of the technology, what is left to be done is stabilize the numbers in the valuation model. 

Option 2 is probably more likely. Although they keep on asking for numbers, does not mean that the overall story and context is not important.

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Visuals, but not for the presentation

Visuals, but not for the presentation

I use visuals for presentations in 2 ways. One is the obvious use: put visuals on slides (duh). The other one is actually to design the story of the presentation.

Very often, pitches are about why something is better, why existing solutions don't work, why the market is focussed on yesterday's problems. I create a diagram for myself to create some sort of map where I can put all the elements, comparisons, and movements of a story. It starts simple, then gets really messy and complicated, then gets simplified again.

With that little piece of paper I go back to the slides of the presentation, and it is highly unlikely that my sketch visual and the visuals in the presentation have any similarity.

Image from WikiPedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
SlideMagic UI improvement

SlideMagic UI improvement

We put in a number of improvements to the user interface of my presentation design app SlideMagic

Templates, regular decks, duplicating, importing, etc. was all a bit confusing. We made a number of improvements to make the workflow more intuitive.

  • The concept of "template" (as opposed to regular deck) was eliminated. Now every SlideMagic user will see a number of "featured decks" at the top of the regular decks menu which can form the inspiration of your own presentation.
  • In the story view (the slide sorter), the 2 clipboards (one for individual slides, one for full decks) were integrated into one. All slides you import will now appear here, together with the ones you copied from your current presentation.

The account, support, and logout links that used to sit at the bottom left of the screen have been moved up. These buttons caused issues on smaller screens, especially tablets. As a result, SlideMagic is now running pretty well on iPad. I am not a big believer in designing slides on a small screen/tablet, because you need a decent canvas to focus and be creative. But, it can be handy to have the option to make smaller edits on a mobile device and that is now going pretty well with SlideMagic.

Let me know if you have any more feedback on SlideMagic here in the comments or by sending a message to jan at slidemagic dot com.

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Panels = entertainment

Panels = entertainment

Another good video by VC Mark Suster about how to speak when invited on a panel:

  • Entertain
  • Be energetic
  • Be short and to the point (people don't remember who long you spoke, but what you said)
  • Say something different than the person before you
  • If the moderator asks the wrong question, answer a different one

I would also add that pitch competitions are a form of entertainment. A pitch for such an event is completely different from a pitch to the partner group of a VC.

And most of the time, pitch competitions are far more entertaining than panels. In a pitch competition, the presenter is on the line, sharp. People in panels usually do not prepare and can hide behind the others on stage, making them a lot less interesting to watch.

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Sounding convincing, versus actually convincing

Sounding convincing, versus actually convincing

Some people naturally sound convincing. They have charisma, they find it easy to tell their story, they are confident, they can wing the presentation, they say that they consider themselves good presenters. They sound convincing, but do they convince?

Many of the people who fall in this category are not very good at reading body language. Maybe the buyer or investor on the other side of the table is (slightly) introvert and does not push back that much. Maybe if the same type of question comes back for the third time (after 2x the same sort of answer), the answer was not very clear. Maybe there is a difference between a great meeting with great energy, and a decision to buy/invest.

As a presentation designer, I have built up another type of self confidence: not being ashamed to ask again if something is not clear, even if it is the fifth time. If I don't get it, the presentation I am going to design will also not get there. Investors and buyers won't be as patient as presentation designers

Image from WikiPedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Triangulating market sizes

Triangulating market sizes

It is hard to forecast the size of a market that exists today in a few years. It is impossible to predict the size of a market for a product that does not even exist. Startups working on new products deal with this issue in every investor presentation.

My suggested solution: come at it from different directions to give a potential investor confidence that there is something there.

  • Big billion dollar point estimates from Gartner or IDC research reports, and pointing out that in the future part of that spend might be cannibalized.
  • Looking at comparable markets. For example IT security spend is roughly 10% of every IT budget. If you are working on a new product category that you think will be as indispensable as IT security, you can provide a market size range by applying a % to a future IT spend forecast.
  • Going down to company level, and point out that of the few pilot customers you have, they were willing to pay x$ per seat, x% of their IT budget, and then scale that up to the total market.
  • Bottom up: customers x product per customer x price per product
  • Etc.

In most cases your "made up" numbers which are backed up by a transparent and logical analysis will be more useful than point estimates lifted from out-of-date, out-of-context research reports.

Image from WikiPedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Designers are upset with Apple

Designers are upset with Apple

Apple launched the new MacBooks a few days ago, and designers are not happy. Read all the comments here for example. The competition makes more powerful machines, Apple still does not make a 4K standalone display.

But there is also a psychological element to this. We designers used to use our Macs to show to everyone that we were different. We were free to buy cool equipment while most of the "other people" were stuck with crappy machines supplied by the corporate IT department.

Maybe reality has caught up with us designers. For most graphics design application, almost any computer will do. PowerPoint being at the bottom of performance-intensive applications, I have stopped looking at horse power as the main buying criterium for computers.

Still Apple is dropping the ball here and there. No innovation in productivity software (I am trying to add my bit of innovation with presentation app SlideMagic), and a proliferation of adaptors to connect devices, even those that are within the Apple ecosystem.

All of this leaves the door open to a new super premium computer brand. If I were Microsoft, I would create a "Lexus" in computing and court those style-conscious designer elitists again. 

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Small rebranding

Small rebranding

The advantage of being a small operation is that decisions can be executed quickly. My branding has moved from "Axiom One", "Slides that Stick", "Sticky Slides", "Idea Transplant" to "Slide Magic".

SlideMagic is the name of my app, and Idea Transplant stayed the name of my professional presentation design business. I am now retiring Idea Transplant. The name is fantastic, and says exactly what I do, but it is not very catchy "can you spell that email address one more time please?", and is confusing to clients. My presentation design app does not get any "brand aura" (buzz word alert), and most importantly, the blog name SlideMagic does not add value to my professional presentation design business.

So to keep things clean and simple, Idea Transplant will be come "Slidemagic Bespoke" with the same look and feel as the app. In practice, people will call it "SlideMagic" with the bespoke bit mainly used as a small tag line on the web site.

I am now also going through the clean up of all my social media accounts. Bare with me as I cleaning up all the correct URL redirects etc.

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Status reports in PPT

Status reports in PPT

This Tweet caught my attention:

Yes "status reports" are a distinct category of presentations. Some sort of weekly, monthly, quarterly updates, that follow more or less the same template. A lot of time is spent (wasted) on creating these. In the short run, you can do a lot with workflow automation. For example create the entire presentation in Excel, which has the same drawing and charting capabilities that PowerPoint has. And yes in the end, SAAS dashboards might replace them all together, if, and that is a big if, the dashboard is designed well.

The "other" type of presentation, the one in which you pitch an idea, a budget, an investment, is here to stay. Each story is different, each pitch is different. Still, people spend too much time on PowerPoint to create them (hopefully my presentation design app SlideMagic will change that), but the creative process will not be automated anytime soon.

Image from Wikipedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Two new screen interfaces

Two new screen interfaces

Both Microsoft and Google launched new screen-based devices over the past few days.

The Microsoft Surface Studio is a desktop computer with a very large touch display. It can be used in regular upright mode, or folded down, which turns it into a giant, almost-horizontal tablet. There is a new interface gadget, a cylinder that you put right on the screen. 

I think this might be the future of desk-based design interfaces. Portable tablets are too small. Upright touch screens are to cumbersome. This hybrid looks great. 

Google introduced the Jamboard, a big touch screen that is meant for white boarding in meetings. The main feature is the collaboration supported by Google software. You can upload, edit, move things, and people not in the room can join the conversation remotely.

The features look impressive, the size of the screen might still be a bit small though to enable really productive group collaboration. Time will tell. 

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
"We just need an hour together"

"We just need an hour together"

"I just need an hour of your time to sit together to improve my slides. I know exactly what I want to say in tomorrow's presentation and all the slides are ready, they just need to be more visual"

I get this type of request often, and I usually turn it down. In one hour, 24 hours before the presentation, you can fix the layout of the slides a bit, but this is where it ends...

A proper presentation design process needs to go through a number of stages:

  • The first briefing, what is the idea you are actually pitching
  • Maybe in the same meeting, the more in depth questioning of the issues. The designer needs to ask the naive/ignorant questions
  • Then putting the whole thing to rest, and scribble some ideas for potential slides over the next few days to come
  • The creation of a basic graphical look and feel, usually I pick a "no brainer" slide for that, the content is crystal clear, it is just about style, fonts, colors layout.
  • Then the drafting of the full deck, going back and forth between "no brainer" slides and the tricky ones.
  • This draft gets then iterated back and forth
  • Finally: rehearsing

It takes more than 1 hour, it needs more than 24 hours, it is not a polish of the existing presentation, which will have vanished totally in the process.

Image from Wikipedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Different interpretations

Different interpretations

Here is a picture of a bill board snapped by a friend on Facebook. Venn diagrams are very useful in presentations. But there can be a catch.

There are 2 possible interpretations:

  1. Intended: we are just so much bigger than these good things
  2. Version b: our values do not really include all these good things

Have you key slides checked by a few different people, especially if they go in front of many eyes.

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
"Visual story telling" has become a buzzword

"Visual story telling" has become a buzzword

I noticed this Tweet the other day of buzz words that are banned in the Conrad shop:

"Visual story telling" is one of them. And I must say, there is something to it. (Yes, this is a professional presentation designer speaking). Yes, business presentations should be stories, yes business presentations should be visual. But when you find yourself in stuck in a meeting where 15 captains try to set the plot for a presentation, and you hear someone saying "let's take a step back everyone, and synthesize what we have brainstormed so far, so that we can spend the next hour doing visual story telling", you probably roll your eyes.

Buzzwords are created when you have seen useful concepts being abused too many times and visual story telling is joining the ranks of them.

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Visualizing contrasts

Visualizing contrasts

This article on Vox tries to find statistics on voting fraud in the US. I will stay out of politics on this blog, but the 2 graphs it uses show the power of a good visualization.

A column chart shows the relative difference, but fails to communicate the large overall absolute value of the right column

A column chart shows the relative difference, but fails to communicate the large overall absolute value of the right column

The image does a better job to depict the statistics. It requires some math and Photoshop skills though to produce

The image does a better job to depict the statistics. It requires some math and Photoshop skills though to produce

The column chart is the correct representation of the 2 values, but it fails to communicate the huge amount of ballots we are talking about in the right column. The image does a better job, but it will be hard to construct for a layman designer.

Image from WikiPedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
Investor versus client positioning

Investor versus client positioning

In most big B2B enterprise sales dialogues the client understands the market, knows the key players out there, knows the issues she is trying to solve. They don't care about margins, market sizes.

In most investor pitches, the potential investor knows the broad market segments that sound similar to the one you are operating in, knows how big they are roughly, knows major competitors. They are less interested in specific feature comparisons.

Presenting your differentiation, what makes you special, is different to each of these audiences.

Image from WikiPedia

SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE
PowerPoint Designer - first impressions

PowerPoint Designer - first impressions

Microsoft has been adding a number of features to PowerPoint recently. One of them is Designer. In the Design tab of the ribbon, a new button appears on the right "Design Ideas". Clicking it generates alternative layouts of your slides on the right side of your screen.

The layouts are pretty nice. Microsoft has "automated" the design of 2 types of slides:

  • Image collages, multiple photos get put in different suggested grids, with place for a title
  • Process bullet points that can be translated to horizontally spaced out sequences of equally sized shapes.

Both are useful. Layman designers usually have no idea how to crop a nice photo collage, and translating that bullet list into a horizontal sequence looks nice, especially on wide 16:9 screen.

But here comes the but. 

  • The algorithm only works on these types of slides, so layman presentations will look inconsistent as same slides cannot be improved by the algorithm
  • And in case of the bullet transformation, PowerPoint needs to analyze the text with language processing, to decide that you are describing some kind of process. I had a hard time to trigger the algorithm, and in the end typed the exact same text as was used in Microsoft's explanation web post.

Microsoft is on the right path, these suggested layouts look a lot nicer than the SmartArt objects. And, getting layman designers to use some sort of grid is the biggest possible improvement you can create in slide design.

But I think it will take some time before language interpretation will be so sophisticated that PowerPoint understands the meaning of a slide and can pull a suggested layout from its library. That's one step above asking Siri to book a movie for you. 

Images get a nice suggested cropping

Images get a nice suggested cropping

Multiple images trigger multiple grid suggestions

Multiple images trigger multiple grid suggestions

No suggestion to clean up this grid

No suggestion to clean up this grid

No suggestions for these charts

No suggestions for these charts

Language interpretation concludes this is not a process

Language interpretation concludes this is not a process

This is a process, text taken from a Microsoft post

This is a process, text taken from a Microsoft post

(* Commercial start *)

This is why designed my presentation app SlideMagic with a forced grid structure, which is a fundamentally different interface approach from PowerPoint and Keynote, which are based on free placement and resizing of objects.

(* End of the commercial break *)

PowerPoint Designer is not 100% there yet, but from its look and feel and general creative direction you see that Microsoft is on the right path.


SlideMagic: a platform for magical presentations. Free student plan available. LEARN MORE